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Solar Eclipse

 Solar Eclipse After some time, the solar eclipse is going on exactly 9:15 AM. This view may not be visible in some countries. It is believed that eclipse should not be seen with straight eyes. Because during this time the harmful radiation It occurs at a higher level. This solar eclipse is rare because it will cover about 99% of the sun. This eclipse is going to happen today on June 21, 2020 after 900 years. There are some traditions and false eclipses around me that have some scientific basis as well. Myths Solar eclipse should not be seen during pregnancy.It has a direct effect on the skin of an unborn child. Food should not be eaten during sutak as it gets contaminated by radiation.Eat food after solar eclipse. Dry fruits can be used during eclipse. Fact One should avoid direct sunlight due to high levels of harmful radiation. During pregnancy, the body of both mother and baby is highly active, so take care. The outer skin is highly exposed to radiation,...
     मानव जाति ने अनवरत प्राकृतिक आपदा , जलवायु ,अपने प्रतिद्वंदी जानवर से मुकाबला करते हुए अपने ही अनुभव से बहुत कुछ सीखा । वार्तालाप शुरू किया भाषाएं इजाद की और यहां तक वर्णमालाएं विकसित कर अपने अनुभव को लिपिबद्ध करने का तरीका ढूंढ निकाला।       आगे की पीढ़ियों उन्ही लिपिबद्ध लेख पढ़ती आगे बढ़ती रही और अपने विकास और संघर्ष से नए अविष्कार कर अपनी आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिए उत्कीर्ण करते गए। कई हजारों साल की इस यात्रा के बाद मनुष्य ने अपने आप को अन्य जीवों की अपेक्षा खुद को सर्वश्रेष्ठ और सुरक्षित स्थापित किया।      इसी संकलन की वजह से मानवजाति नित नए आयाम स्थापित करती आगे बढ़ती गई जिसमें सबसे अग्रणी थे भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के लोग जो दुनियां की सबसे बेहतरीन शिक्षा और संस्कृति को को स्थापित कर चुके थे।     परिणास्वरूप पूरे विश्व की नजरें भारत पर ही केन्द्रित थी। यही एक शिक्षा का केंद्र था। जहां देश विदेश के हजारों छात्र यहां पर शिक्षा अर्जित करने आते थे।       चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में भी चरक संहिता और सुश्रुत संहिता...

Love is so beautiful

Love is so beautiful.           The most famous and beloved word in the whole world is love. There is a saying in Hindi that love is incomplete. But what is love, its definition, how to get love, how to give love.          By taking this word, the greatest confusion remains. Everyone has their own definition. I know so much this is a very beautiful feeling. When you feel in a quiet environment, you feel very strange and pleasant. Maybe this is love.          Nowadays some people go in love and when love is not found, they get sad and go under stress and do not know how to take steps.  Why is love incomplete           When you love someone, it never fills him. When desires are fulfilled, satisfaction is attained.While the desire for that person or thing always remains in love, it is never fulfilled, therefore love remains incomplete. He is always in need of you. Th...

A look inside heart

A look inside the heart         Today's era is that of race. No one has time.Relationships were left behind.            Running is necessary but no one knows how much. You do not even know what you want to run. We want to reach the peak of success. But it is not known whether the summit will reach or not.             Why do we want success? In fact we want happiness.Some success is also achieved but we keep running because we need some more. some more?            This lack that is never going to be fulfilled.The law of nature is to get something you have to lose. Some success is necessary and some happiness too.No one has yet understood whether to live for something or to do something to live.           The greatest joy is to listen to the heart. Look into its depth. Listen to what the soul says to me. Inside heart a deep sea of love and affec...